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Benefits of ABA Therapy at Home

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

It is no question that there are countless opportunities for a child to learn in a natural environment. Hence the term, Natural Environment Teaching (NET) in the world of ABA. We have put together our Top 5 Reasons children can benefit greatly within the home environment.

1. Generalization

Keeping track of what targets and goals your child is currently working on with his/her Therapist plays a key part in their overall progression. By developing instructional control and staying consistent with your child's programs, you will be able to practice their current step with them. Perhaps your child is learning to respond "Hello" after being approached. By setting expectations and learning what step your child is on, will help you better understand when to positively reinforce your child, leading to quicker results.

2. Parent Involvement

What better way to positively reinforce than a hug from a loved one. With those that mean the most to your child nearby, it allows for an immediate reward when your child masters targets and reaches their goals. You are able to listen to and see the progression of your child's programs right before your eyes and be there in real-time to let them know they are doing a great job. Parents involved in their child's programs make a huge difference in their rate of progression. With this win-win combination, everyone is smiling in the end.

3. Life Skills Opportunities

Being at home with your child allows Instructors to teach home-based every day skills that are so important in their every day lives as they grow. Laundry, Cooking, Cleaning-Up and Washing Dishes are just some of the every day tasks your child is able to learn comfortably at home. Washing their own clothes, tidying up their own toys and making a snack in their own kitchen, are just a few examples of what can be taught at home. Learning these tasks with their own personal belongings holds a higher sense of responsibility for your child as well. The opportunities are endless with learning new life skills at home and can be generalized across different family members when practicing.

4. Sibling Interaction and Sharing

It is wonderful to see the progression of siblings interacting with each other in a positive and productive way. Therapists are able to guide your child in playing, sharing and socializing with their siblings leading to an overall healthier relationship.

5. Comfort

With new environments, comes new transitions and new routines. For some children being at home makes for a more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere that produces a feeling of ease. When comfortable, children's attention spans are more focused and can lead to a world of endless possibilities with programs running smoothly and effectively.

When it comes to ABA Therapy, being at home offers different possibilities that can’t be found anywhere else. No matter where your child is receiving their support however, remember that consistency and family involvement in key in every child’s progression.

Have fun, stay focused and stay positive.

The world is full of wonderful opportunities to learn!

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